
Counselling is one of the services offered by Swansea Drugs project to help individuals deal with difficult emotions, thoughts, feelings or events in their lives. All Swansea Drugs project staff use counselling skills when dealing with individual’s problems, the agency also offers a Counselling Service. The service employs staff that are employed to diploma level, and have undertaken additional training to keep improving their skills.
Although using a variety of counselling tools and skills, all of our therapists work from a Person-Centred Approach. This approach acknowledges that, with the right help and support, everyone has the ability and right to make their own decisions and choices about their lives.
Some of the reasons why an individual may be referred to the Swansea Drugs Project Counselling Service include:

  • Dealing with loss or painful event
  • Family or emotional problems
  • Problems controlling temper or anger
  • Troubling thoughts that wont go away
  • Not seeing a way out of problems
  • Always being sad